Top 3 FREE Premiere Pro Plugins in 2024


Adobe Premiere Pro is a fantastic video editing tool, but like any good toolbox, it benefits from a few extra wrenches. That's where plugins come in! Plugins are like mini-programs that add specific features and effects to Premiere Pro, letting you take your edits to the next level.

In this post, we'll explore what plugins are, how they work, and introduce you to 3 amazing plugins that can supercharge your Premiere Pro workflow:

What are Plugins?

A Premiere Pro plugin is a piece of software that enhances the functionality of Adobe Premiere Pro, a popular video editing software. These plugins can provide additional features, effects, transitions, and more to help users create more complex and professional video edits.

Imagine editing a video and needing a cool light effect, but Premiere Pro doesn't have it built-in. A plugin can be that missing piece! It adds new features or enhances existing ones, like adding noise reduction, creating stunning transitions, or even tracking objects in your video.

Top 3 Premiere Pro Plugins to Boost Your Edits:

  • Mr. Horse Premiere Composer:

Now, let's dive into 3 fantastic plugins that can elevate your video editing experience:

Mr. Horse Premiere Composer comes to the rescue! This plugin is a library of pre-built animations, transitions, and text presets that you can simply drag and drop onto your clips.

Imagine adding dynamic titles, social media icons with a pop, or sleek lower thirds to your videos – all in a few clicks. Mr. Horse saves you tons of time by providing professional-looking elements you can customize to fit your project. Whether you're a seasoned editor or just starting out, Mr. Horse Premiere Composer can take your video editing to the next level.

 How to download & install

   1- Go to website (Premiere Composer)

   2- Create a Account 
   3- Download plugin for windows or Mac

   4- Extract and open file & install Mr. Horse Premiere Composer file

   5- After installation open software then login account &install plugin 

  • AEjuice:

This plugin bridges the gap between the two programs, letting you bring stunning effects like light leaks, glowing text, and more to your videos without switching software.

Think of it as a cheat sheet for After Effects lovers. AEjuice provides a range of pre-built effects and animations that you can easily adjust within Premiere Pro. It's a perfect way to add a touch of cinematic flair and polish to your projects, all without the complexity of After Effects itself.

  1- Go to website (AE juice)

  2- Create a Account 
  3- Download plugin for windows or Mac

  4- Extract and open file & install AEjuice plug-in 

  5- After installation open software then login account &install plugin 

  • Motion Bro:

This plugin boasts a massive library of professional-looking transitions, from classic fades to energetic wipes and zooms.

Motion Bro makes it easy to create seamless transitions that enhance the flow of your video and keep your viewers engaged. Simply drag and drop the desired transition between your clips, adjust the settings for a perfect fit, and voila – you've got a polished and professional look. Let Motion Bro elevate your edits and take your video storytelling to the next level.


How to install motion bro 

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